In one breath – breathe a sigh of relief

Today, modern bronchoscopy is one of the most important procedures for the assessment and therapy of respiratory diseases.

Rigid bronchoscopes are used for diagnosis and therapy for various indications in the central bronchial system. Rigid bronchoscopy remains the gold standard, especially for the removal of foreign bodies or for interventional procedures, such as tumor removal or stent implantation.

In particular the "Texas" rigid bronchoscope system, with integrable telescopes, and the various combinable bronchoscope tubes, offers many functional advantages.

Obviously, flexible bronchoscopy, which enables applications in the peripheral areas, has become indispensable. In this area, Richard Wolf with the firm's many years of experience in flexible endoscopy, offers state-of-the-art sensor bronchoscopes with the latest technical features.



The most advanced image sensors in combination with LED illumination and the innovative Endocam Flex HD camera controller offer the highest image quality at the best possible cost-efficiency.

The minimally invasive technology is also increasingly being used in thoracic surgery. Diagnosis and therapy for tumorous diseases of the lungs, the mediastinum, and the chest wall can be performed today under minimally invasive conditions. More than 60 % of the operations are performed using endoscopic techniques, resulting in a shortened hospital stay and minimization of postoperative complaints.

Richard Wolf offers the complete product range for endoscopic thoracic surgery. It includes innovative system solutions for single-port thoracoscopy, video mediastinoscopy, as well as video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS).

Versatile application spectrum

With the endoscopic systems from Richard Wolf you are ideally equipped for the varied requirements in pneumology and thoracic surgery.

Whether foreign body extraction, tumor removal, secretion removal or stent implantation or explantation, Richard Wolf offers innovative solutions with its rigid endoscopes and corresponding accessories that support you in your demanding activities for adult or pediatric patients.

Our modern, flexible sensor bronchoscopes offer optimal patient protection and usability that extend far into the periphery. Optimized for therapy, diagnosis or maximum range, our models are available with different outer diameters and working channels.

Our high-quality mediastinoscopes are ideally suited for access to lateral lymph nodes, thanks to their ability to expand in the distal and parallel direction. Ideal prerequisites for biopsies without complications, or for lymph node extirpation.

Our mini thoracoscopy set is available in single-port technology for diagnostic thoracoscopy and pleural biopsy.

Extensive instrument sets and various endoscopes facilitate even major thoracoscopic procedures such as VATS lobectomy.

Surgical techniques – pneumology / thoracic surgery


Thoracic Endoscopy / Laryngoscopy
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