Marketing information
Please log in here and be sure that you have the function "distribution partner" or "Richard Wolf employee".
Afterwards you will be automatically forwarded to the download center, where you can find the marketing information.
You can´t see the marketing information?
Not yet registered?
If you are not registered yet, please fill out the registration form and choose one of the functions “distribution partner” or “Richard Wolf employee”. If you have finished your registration process, we will check your email address and give you the access to the marketing information at the download center. Checking your e-mail address can take some time, after verification you will receive a confirmation.
Already registered?
If you are already registered at the Richard Wolf Website, please login and check if you have the function “distribution partner” or “Richard Wolf employee” at your personal dashboard. If not click on “User Data”, choose the right function at the form and click submit. Please be aware of that checking your e-mail address can take some time. After verification you will receive a confirmation.
Please check your function!